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Droit et Assurances Maritimes

imprimé le 17/02/2025 à 09:35 sur

La Piraterie Sur Internet

Category: Piracy
Created on 16 January 2012

Avec le développement de la Piraterie Somalienne, les écrits se multiplient sur Internet. Afin de ne pas surcharger la page consacrée aux différentes législations applicables à la piraterie, cette page sera exclusivement consacrée aux rapports, articles, documents, communications, etc, que nous trouverons sur Internet.

You will find below all the reports, papers, articles, that have an interest regarding the piracy problem, mainly in Somalia. We have choosen to publish these reports and documents by date of publication.






 Piracy Chart


Oceans beyond Piracy - The economic costs of Piracy - Anna Bowden

One Earth Future Fondation 2012

 Treasure Mapped : Using Satellite Imagery to track the Developmental Effects of Somaly Piracy by Dr Anja Sorthaland





 Guidance to UK flagged shipping on measures to counter piracy, armed robbery and other acts of violence against merchant shipping

UK Department of Transport


  Interim guidance to UK flagged shipping on the use of armed guards to defend against the threat of piracy in exceptional circumstances

UK Department of Transport


 Foreign Affairs Committee - Piracy off the coast of Somalia - Thenth Report of Session 2010-12 - HC 1318

House of Commons 12/2011
  Maritime Piracy Humanitarian Response Program (MPHRP) : Good Practice Guide for Shipping Companies and Manning Agents for the Humanitarian Support of Seafarers and their Families  MPHRP  11/2011

 Piracy Update

AON 09/2011




 Report about piracy - David Sanders, Neil Hilary, Peter Hinton, Darren Farr, Yves Colomb, James Anderson Actuarial Association 10/2010

 La répréssion de la piraterie maritime et ses enjeux juridiques - Romain Broner (Prix Daveluy)

CESM 05/2010

 Oceans beyond Piracy - The economic costs of Piracy - Anna Bowden

One Earth Future Foundation


 Combating Somali Piracy: the EU's Naval Operation Atalanta

House of Lords 04/2010

 MARITIME SECURITY : Actions Needed to Assess and Update Plan and Enhance Collaboration among Partners Involved in Countering Piracy off the Horn of Africa

United States Government Accountability Office





 Piracy in the greater Gulf of Aden - Myths, Misconception and remedies NIBR 2099
 The East Africa/Somalia Situation Practical Measures to Avoid, Deter or Delay Piracy Attacks Oil Companies International Marine Forum (OCIMF) 2009 
 Le défi de la piraterie maritime et son traitement judicaire - Jean-Paul Pancracio Cahiers du CEREM  07/2009
 Piracy - An ancient risk with modern faces Allianz Global Corporate & Specialty 06/2009 
 Rapport d'information sur la Piraterie Maritime Assemblée Nationale - Christian Menard  05/2009
 La Piraterie Maritime au XXI° SIECLE : Défis et Réponses : L'ampleur des enjeux juridiques : Commissaire général de 1° cl. de la Marine (2s) Jean-Louis FILLON CESM 03/2009 
 La Piraterie Moderne : Nathalie Boudong CDMT  2009
 Les atteintes à la sûreté en haute mer : Anne Claire Dumouchel Panthéon-Assas 05/2009 
 La piraterie au début du XXIième siècle : Antoine Salim Chebli


 Insécurité maritime entre forces navales et privatisation : Aspirant Mehdi Kouar CESM  12/2009
  Séminaire Commission Européenne sur la piraterie  Commission Européenne 02/2009




 Piracy – Threat at sea A risk analysis

MUNICH RE 08/2006


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