fortunes de mer

Fortunes de mer

Droit et Assurances Maritimes

imprimé le 27/07/2024 à 01:31 sur

Financial Risks

Catégorie : Forms and Clauses
Créé le 20 février 2013


  French Loss of Income Insurance Policy (Package 2010) dated 1st July 2010

   Police Francaise d'Assurance des Pertes Financieres du Navire de Commerce 1990 


   Swedish General Conditions for Shipowner Loss of Earnings Insurance 

  Swedish General Conditions for special Interest (Increased Value) 1978



 Institute Mortgagee Interest Clause Hull RU 1997 Cl337

  Institute Mortgagee Interest Clause Hull RU 1986 Cl337

  Loss of Hire 1983

  Innocent owners' Clauses n°1038 1989 


  Loss of Charter Hire Insurance excluding war 1983 LPO 455

  Loss of Charter Hire Insurance including war 1983 LPO 454

  Passage Money Clauses Excluding war ABS 1983

  Passage Money Clauses Including war 1983

  American Institute Marad Mortgagee Form 1962

  American Institute Single Interest Mortgage Form 1963

  Loss of Hire SP40B (1961)

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