24 October 2006




VESSEL & Interveners

1 - IMO Number : 8315190 2 - Name of Ship : ROKIA DELMAS
3 - Call Sign : 3EFP4 4 - Gross Tonnage : 32 924
5 - Type of Ship : Container Ro-Ro Cargo Ship 6 -Year of Build : 1985
7 - Flag : Panama 8 -Status of Ship : In Service
9 -   Registred Owner : DELMAS 10 - Address :


1 Quai George V

76 600 Le Havre


11 - Ship Manager :


12 - Address :

4, quai d'Arenc,

13 000Marseilles


13 - Classification Society : Bureau Veritas 14 - P&I

Sveriges Angfartys Assurans Forening (Swedish Club)

15 - Surveyor :   16 - Sollicitor :  
17 - Hull Underwriters :   18 - Cargo Underwriters :  
19 - Others : ABEILLES INTERNATIONAL, As Salvors 20 - Others :




NB : Information 1 to 14 are extracted from the database EQUASIS. Information are updated at the date of the casualty.

Information from 15 to 20 were found on public websites




The Roll on roll off container carrier Rokia Delmas (32924 gt, built 1985) grounded near La Pallice during an heavy storm. No injury were suffered but the vessel was severely damaged and salvage operation (bunkers and containers) should be very long and will cost a lot of money to insurers..




Agrandir le plan




Date :

21 mars 2007 Source :

Mer et Marine


L'épave du porte-conteneurs Rokia Delmas, qui s'est échoué le 24 octobre dernier devant l'Ile de Ré, pourrait avoir Saint-Nazaire comme destination finale. La proximité du port est mise en avant, bien que d'autres solutions soient à l'étude, comme Santander ou la Corogne en Espagne. « Les discussions sont toujours en cours. Il est probable que le ferraillage du navire ou des parties du navire soit fait dans plusieurs endroits », indique-t-on chez CMA CGM. L'armateur et les compagnies d'assurance ont confié à Smit, Scaldis et Les Abeilles International le plan de sauvetage du Rokia Delmas. Ce plan prévoit un allègement du navire par le découpage des superstructures, au dessus du pont 3.

Après la dépollution de la coque et le déchargement de la majeure partie de la cargaison, les opérations de pré-découpage de la partie arrière du château et des appendices, comme le mât ou le guindeau, ont commencé le 9 mars. Les morceaux de ferraille, déposés sur un ponton équipé d'un dispositif de protection de l'environnement, seront traités à La Rochelle. Une fois le navire allégé, la coque, qui souffre d'une large brèche, sera remorquée dans le même port pour être renforcée et réparée. Ces mesures permettront d'assurer un transfert en toute sécurité vers le port retenu pour la déconstruction. « Si cet allègement ne suffit pas à remettre le navire à flot, la partie arrière sera retirée par la barge-grue Rambiz et envoyée au port de La Rochelle. Le reste de la coque pourra alors, soit être remis à flot, soit être soulevé et placé sur une barge submersible pour être emmené vers le port de La Rochelle », précise la préfecture maritime de l'Atlantique.

Troisième cas de figure, si la carcasse du Rokia Delmas s'avère trop fragile, le navire sera découpé en trois sections (arrière, avant, milieu), chacune successivement transportée par barge vers La Rochelle avant expédition finale vers le lieu de démolition.

Le Rokia Delmas ne devrait, en tous cas, plus être devant l'Ile de Ré à la fin de l'été.


Date :

28 November 2006 Source :

Mer et Marine


Selon Mer et Marine, le porte-conteneurs Rokia Delmas, qui s'est échoué le 24 octobre devant l'île de Ré, a été déclaré perte totale par les assurances. En clair, le coût du sauvetage et des réparations est supérieur à la valeur du navire. En conséquence, le Rokia Delmas, mis en service il y a 21 ans, ne devrait pas être réparé. Se pose désormais le question de son avenir. Échoué depuis maintenant un mois, le porte-conteneurs présente une brèche dans la coque. Celle-ci se serait, par ailleurs, déformée sur bâbord, côté sur lequel elle repose et où les contraintes sont les plus fortes. « Le plan de sauvetage du navire est toujours à l'étude », indique-t-on chez CMA CGM. La compagnie maritime, propriétaire du navire, est confrontée à un véritable casse-tête. « Le découpage sur place ne convient à personne. Dans le secteur, il y a en effet les ostréiculteurs, les marais salans et le tourisme à prendre en compte », souligne une source administrative. Déloger la masse de plus de 10.000 tonnes de son banc de sable ne sera pas chose aisée. Outre le colmatage de la brèche, un allègement du navire, notamment par découpage d'une partie des superstructures, pourrait être envisagé. Il faudrait ensuite déterminer les modalités d'un remorquage vers un chantier capable de démanteler une coque de 185 mètres de long et 32 mètres de large. Comme le souligne l'armateur, aucun plan n'est, toutefois, encore arrêté et l'opération semble, dans tous les cas, vouloir s'inscrire dans la durée.

 Travaux de déchargement toujours suspendus

Avant que le sort du Rokia Delmas ne soit scellé, le déchargement de sa cargaison doit d'abord être achevé, ce que le temps hivernal ne facilite pas. En raison des mauvaises conditions météorologiques en Atlantique, le chantier est interrompu depuis le 15 novembre et, compte tenu des prévisions, il est peu probable que les travaux reprennent cette semaine. Jusqu'ici, 197 des 387 conteneurs transportés par le Rokia Delmas ont été extraits, grâce à une grue flottante néerlandaise. BOURBON et Smit Salvage, en charge du chantier, doivent encore débarquer quelques conteneurs logés sous le château, les boites stockées à l'avant du pont 3 et surtout les ballots de bois entreposés à l'arrière du navire. L'extraction de ce bois, chargé au port via la porte arrière, désormais inopérante, impliquera peut être l'ouverture d'une brèche dans les ponts supérieurs. Si les soutes à combustible ont été pompées, l'évacuation des éléments polluants des petites capacités reste à faire. Les risques de pollution sont néanmoins minimes et les matériels nécessaires, stockés à Brest et La Pallice, prêts à être déployés si nécessaire. En attendant que la météo s'améliore, le Remorqueur d'Intervention, d'Assistance et de Sauvetage (RIAS) Abeille Languedoc, basée à la Rochelle, est mouillé à proximité, assurant la surveillance du secteur. Mis en service en 1985 sous le nom de Rosa Blanca, le Rokia Delmas a été construit par les chantiers Nippon Kokan. D'une jauge de 32.900 tonneaux, il est armé sous pavillon panaméen.



Date :

October and November 2006

Source :



London, Nov 9 -- Salvors were preparing to begin removing containers from the grounded Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas yesterday but warned that the operation could take several weeks to complete. Salvors have removed 560 tonnes of heavy fuel oil from the vessel by pumping, as well as a smaller quantity of lighter diesel fuel, and the maritime prefecture in Brest said yesterday that it no longer posed any significant pollution threat. The prefecture added that, as a result, anti-pollution measures would be relaxed and the operation to remove the 378 containers on the vesseløs upper deck got under way. It said that unloading trials would be getting under way yesterday, using the floating crane-barge Missing Link, which has been brought to the site from the Netherlands, and a barge. The operation promises to be complicated by the 18 degree list of the vessel.. Vessel operator Delmas Atlantic West Africa Line said yesterday that positioning tests were being carried out to determine the safest way of removing the containers. "This delicate operation, which was started this morning, will be undertaken with great prudence and in several stages," it said. "The salvors will begin by removing the most accessible containers and estimate that this may take several weeks."


Donges, Nov 8 - Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas: Main bunker tank empty. Approximately 371 tonnes of fuel were pumped on Alcyon. Pumping operations still in progress. A barge/pontoon with crane on the spot for discharging the containers. - Lloyd's Agents.


La Pallice, Nov 3 - The main part of the bunkers on Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas have been pumped out. An investigation is still in progress to locate the leak. A barge from Bordeaux should arrrive in the area tomorrow, as well with a barge from the Netherlands next week. -- Lloyd's Sub-agents.


London, Oct 30 - Following received from Delmas Atlantic West Africa Line, Marseilles, dateline today: The operation to remove the fuel oil and lubricants from Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas continues to progress well. Out of a total of 550 m3, 480 m3 has now been safely pumped into reception tanks on board the anti pollution vessel Alcyon. The fore tanks of Rokia Delmas have been emptied, and pumping should be complete on the smaller aft tanks by tomorrow evening. There has been no leakage or pollution from the vessel, and every effort continues to be made to safeguard the environment. Removal of the cargo containers on board the deck of Rokia Delmas is now scheduled to being on Thursday,


Nov 2. Two floating cranes (one from Bordeaux and one from The Netherlands) will be used to transfer the containers onto a floating platform, from which they can safely be taken ashore. The master and six crew members who remained on the vessel have now been relieved by a replacement crew, having worked for many days under very difficult circumstances. Delmas continues to work in close co-operation with the Prefecture Maritime.


Nantes, Oct 30 - Pumping of bunkers from Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas are still in progress. About 324 tonnes were pumped to anti-pollution vessel Alcyon. After completed discharge of bunkers, they should start discharge of cargo of containers. - Lloyd's Agents.


London, Oct 26 - Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas: Lloyd's Standard Form salvage contract was signed with Les Abeilles on Oct 24.


London, Oct 26 - Following received from the operators of Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas, dated today: Avoidance of any pollution remains the priority for owners and managers of Rokia Delmas, who are working in close co-operation with the Prefet Maritime and the Prefet de Charente Maritime, following the grounding of the vessel in heavy weather on Oct 23. Les Abeilles, the salvage company appointed to handle the oil removal from the vessel, have themselves contracted Smit Salvage to support their efforts and the highly experienced Salvage Master Capt. Van Essen is on site to help co-ordinate the plan. A barge capable of receiving oily water and waste left the port of Brest late last night under tug tow and is expected in the La Rochelle area tomorrow morning. The fuel oil on board Rokia Delmas will be removed by the anti-pollution vessel Alcyon which is already on-site and will be transferring equipment on-board the vessel this afternoon. It is anticipated that pumping of the 500 tons of fuel oil and approximately 60 tons of diesel oil will commence early tomorrow morning. Salvors predict that this operation will take around two days. The weather forecast for the region over this period is good and is not expected to affect the operation. In preparation for the removal of the oil on board, Les Abeilles is preparing anti-pollution booms which will be placed around Rokia Delmas as a prudent measure to stop any leakage of oily water or oily waste into the sea. Currently, no pollution has been reported following the grounding of Rokia Delmas. In view of the extent of the damage to the vessel reported by the French Navy divers, who have inspected the hull, the company is drawing up plans, in close co-operation with all the appropriate authorities, for cargo removal following the removal of oil from the vessel. Owners and managers of Rokia Delmas wish to thank the Prefet Maritime and the Prefet de Charente Maritime for their very close co-operation, together with all the other bodies who are responding so professionally to this serious incident.


London, Oct 26 - Salvors abandoned plans to refloat the grounded Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas yesterday after divers discovered that water was entering it via a 20 metre by 50 cm gash in its hull. The Maritime Prefecture in Brest, which is overseeing the salvage effort, said that, given the scale of the damage, freeing the vessel by pumping was no longer an option and towing it may cause the vessel to sink.

London, Oct 25 - Following received from Etel MRCC, timed 1925, UTC: Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas remains aground. Its position is lat 46 08.1N, long 01 30W.


London, Oct 25 - Following received from the operators of roll on roll off container carrier Rokia Delmas, dated today: The owners and managers of Rokia Delmas, which sustained an engine black-out and subsequent grounding off La Rochelle in very heavy weather on Oct 23, continue to work in close co-operation with the Prefecture Maritime to ensure the safety of life of all those involved and to avoid any possible pollution to the environment. The seafarers who were taken off the vessel yesterday by helicopter are being cared for in local hotels and the company has assigned a captain to look after their needs. The officer who suffered a broken leg during the incident is well and also being cared for. Navy divers' inspections are continuing, but preliminary findings show a number of breaches in the hull and ingress of water into the engine-room and lower decks. In these circumstances, the priority for the company and the authorities must be to ensure that all possible pollutants are removed from the vessel with all speed. The vessel currently has some 500 tons of bunker fuel on board and a small quantity of diesel oil to drive the generators. A specialist salvage company "Abeille Bourbon" has been appointed to handle the removal of this oil and it is hoped that this operation can start within 24 hours, when the weather is expected to be more favourable to bringing a barge alongside Rokia Delmas and to commence the operation. In addition, the Prefecture Maritime has arranged for a specialist anti pollution vessel Alcyon to attend the site with booms and oil-removal equipment to ensure that every step is taken to mitigate the possibility of pollution. A further diving inspection of the vessel will take place today.


London, Oct 25 - Twenty of the 28 crew on board the CMA CGM Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas were airlifted off the vessel yesterday morning after it ran aground off the island of Re off La Rochelle in stormy seas. The 1985-built, 27,000 dwt vessel sustained a total loss of power and electricity at about 0300 hrs, as it was approaching the port of La Rochelle amid four-metre-high waves and winds exceeding 100 kph. It finally ran aground at 0500 hrs, nine kilometres off Re on a rock and sand bottom in nine metres of water. The vessel was listing over 20 degrees on its port side, according to the maritime prefecture in Brest, which said its cargo had shifted but no containers had been lost. Most crewmembers were evacuated by French naval helicopter at about 0700 hrs, although the master and seven other crewmembers stayed on board to help with salvage operations. It had been thought that the vessel would be refloated without too much difficulty but the prefecture reported yesterday afternoon that it was taking in water in the engine-room. Two teams of investigators were dropped on board to assess the damage and the prefecture said priority would be given to patching the breach in the hull with the aim of drying out the engine-room in time for an attempt to refloat the vessel on the early evening tide. The salvage tug Abeille Languedoc arrived at the scene at 1300 hrs, and its sister ship, Abeille Bourbon, was due at 1730 hrs. An anti-pollution vessel was also on its way to the site from Brest but was not expected to arrive until this morning. The prefecture seemed to be pessimistic about prospects of refloating the vessel, moreover, warning that no attempt would be made to tow it unless conditions allowed. "So long as the nature and length of the breach in the hull are not known with certainty, a risky towage operation cannot be imagined," it said. Delmas Atlantic West Africa Line, which operates the vessel, said yesterday afternoon that no pollution had been detected around it, adding that there was little fuel on board the vessel, which was returning to Europe from West Africa. "Owners and operators are working in close co-operation with the French maritime prefecture to ensure the safety of those on board and safety of the vessel," the company said. The company was unable to say what had caused the loss of power and electricity aboard the vessel, indicating only that it was thought that the vessel had a sustained "a big short circuit", probably provoked by the severe weather conditions.


Donges, Oct 24 - Roll On Roll Off Container Car Rokia Delmas, 26 crew on board, stranded about 0500 today near Re Island, two miles from La Couarde sur Mer. Tug is on the way. The vessel must be "right up" before towing. - Lloyd's Agents.

Nantes, Oct 24 - Roll on roll off container carrier Rokia Delmas (32924 gt, built 1985) grounded near La Pallice early this morning. The vessel is still aground and the crew are being taken off. Salvage tug Abeille Languedoc is proceeding. -- Lloyd's Agents.


London, Oct 24 -- Following received from the operators of roll on roll off container carrier Rokia Delmas, dated today: At approximately 0300 this morning, the Master of Rokia Delmas reported a total black out and loss of propulsion. At the time, the vessel was approaching the pilot station at the Port of La Rochelle, inbound from West Africa where it operates in the Delmas Atlantic West Africa Service. Given the proximity of the vessel to the shore and relatively shallow waters, the Master deployed the anchor to avoid further drift. Due to the bad weather and loss of steerage, there was a shift in cargo resulting in the vessel experiencing a list of some 20+ deg. At approximately 0630 hrs, the Master considered it prudent to request the local authorities to airlift 20 members of the crew to safety. The Master and seven crew remain on board to co-ordinate any salvage operation. The vessel's owners and operators are working in close co-operation with the French Prefecture Maritime 2, to ensure the safety of those on board and the safety of the vessel. There is no pollution reported from the vessel at the present time. Tug assistance has been requested and two deep sea tugs will be on station, the first at approximately 1400, local time, the second by the end of the afternoon.





Seems to have been caused by a black-out during the storm. Vessel was out of control and grounded. Cause of the black out not known for the time being.


Sources :  



Hull :

USD ? Constructive Total Loss Cargo : TBA
Liability : TBA To be determined under LLMC 1976 Fees : TBA
Others : TBA    

Sources :




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