Abordage / Collision
Convention for the Unification of Certain Rules of Law with respect to Collisions between Vessels 1910 - available in english
International convention for the unification of certain rules relating to Penal jurisdiction in matters of collision 10.5.1952 - available in english
International convention for the unification of certain rules relating to Civil jurisdiction in matters of collision 10.5.1952 - available in english
Convention for the unification of certain Rules concerning collisions in inland navigation 1960 - available in english
Lisbon Rules for the determination of financial compensation after a collision 1987 - available in english
Assurances Maritimes / Marine Insurance
Glasgow Rules 1901 (Established by the International Law Association) - available in english
Institut de Droit International (Projet de loi Uniforme sur les Assurances Maritimes) 1885
Avaries Communes - Règles de York et d'Anvers / General Average
Histoire des Règles de York et d'Anvers / History of York and Antwerp Rules - available in english
Règles de Glasgow 1860 - available in english
Règles de York 1864 - available in english
Règles d'Anvers 1877 - available in english
Règles de York et d'Anvers 1890 - available in english
Règles de York et d'Anvers 1924 - available in english
Règles de York et d'Anvers 1950 - available in english
Règles de York et d'Anvers 1974 - available in english
Règles de York et d'Anvers 1994 - available in english
Règles de York et d'Anvers 2004 - available in english
Conteneurs / Containers
International Convention for safe containers (CSC) amendments of 1995 - available in english
International Convention for safe containers (CSC) amendments of 1991 - available in english
International Convention for safe containers (CSC) amendments of 1983 - available in english
International Convention for safe containers (CSC) amendments of 1981 - available in english
International Convention for safe containers (CSC), done 2 december 1972 - available in english
Droit de la Mer / Law of the seas
Convention internationale de Nairobi sur l'enlèvement des épaves (Nairobi 2007) Wreck Removal Convention - available in english
Convention Internationale des Nations Unies sur le Droit de la Mer (dite de Montego Bay) 1982 - available in english
Convention Internationale des Nations Unies sur la haute mer 1958 - available in english
Déclaration concernant le Droit Maritime Européen en temps de Guerre (Traité du 16 avril 1856) - available in english
Convention du 10 avril 1926 portant unification de certaines règles relatives à l'immunité des navires d'Etat. - available in english
Hypothèques / Mortgagee
International Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages - United Nations 6 May 1993 (MLM 1993) - available in english
International Convention on Maritime Liens and Mortgages - 27 May 1967 - available in english
Convention Internationale unification règles relatives aux privilèges et hypothèques maritimes. Bruxelles 10 avril 1926 - available in english
Jauge / Tonnage
Convention Internationale sur le jaugeage des Navires - Londres 1969 - available in english
Convention Internationale sur le jaugeage des Navires - Oslo 1947
Passagers / Passengers / Liability
Protocole convention Athènes de 1974 relative au transport par mer de passagers et de leurs bagages établi en 2002 - available in english
Protocole convention Athènes de 1974 relative au transport par mer de passagers et de leurs bagages établi en 1990 - available in english
Protocol to the Convention on the contract for the international carriage of passagers and luggage by inland waterway (CVN) 5 July 1978- available in english
Convention on the contract for the international carriage of passagers and luggage by inland waterway (CVN) 6 February 1976 - available in english
Protocole convention Athènes de 1974 relative au transport par mer de passagers et de leurs bagages établi en 1976 - available in english
Convention d'Athènes de 1974 relative au transport par mer de passagers et de leurs bagages - available in english
Convention internationale unification certaines règles pour transport de passagers par mer. Bruxelles 29 avril 1961 - available in english
Piraterie / Piracy
Tout sur le "Pirate et le Droit" / All about you always wanted to know about piracy and Law
Prevention of Pollution
Amendements to the International Convention of 1954 for the prevention of the pollution of the sea, done at London 21 October 1969 (OILPOIL). - available in english
Amendements to the International Convention of 1954 for the prevention of the pollution of the sea, done at London 11 April 1962 (OILPOIL). - available in english
International Convention for the prevention of the pollution of the sea, done at London 12 May 1954 (OILPOIL) - available in english
Civil Liability
Civil liability for oil pollution damage (CLC 1969) Done at Brussels, 29 November 1969 Entered into force: 19 June 1975 - available in english
Civil liability for oil pollution damage (CLC PROT 1976) Done at London, 19 November 1976 Entered into force: 8 April 1981 - available in english
Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on Civil liability for oil pollution damage, 1969 (CLC PROT 1992) Done at London, 19 November 1992 Entry into force: 30 May 1996 - available in english
Amendments of the limitation amounts in the Protocol of 1992 to amend the international convention on civil liability for oil pollution damage, 1969 (dated 18 October 2000, with an entry in Force 2003). - available in english
International Convention On Civil Liability For Bunker Oil Pollution Damage dated 23 March 2001 - available in english
International Fund
International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for compensation for oil pollution damage (FUND 1971) Done at Brussels, 18 December 1971 Entered into force: 16 October 1978 - available in english
Protocol to the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for compensation for oil pollution damage (FUND PROT 1976) Done at London, 19 November 1976 Entered into force: 22 November 1994 - available in english
Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for compensation for oil pollution damage (FUND PROT 1992) Done at London, 25 November 1992 Entry into force: 30 May 1996 - available in english
Amendments of the limits of compensation in the Protocol of 1992 to amend the International Convention on the Establishment of an International Fund for Compensation for Oil Pollution Damage, 1971. - available in english
Responsabilité / Liability
International Convention on Liability and Compensation for Damage in connection with the Carriage of Hazardous and Noxious Substances by Sea, 1996 (HNS 1996) - available in english
Protocol dated 2 May 1996 to amend the LLMC Convention - available in english
Convention de Strasbourg sur la limitation de la responsabilité en navigation intérieure (CLNI) 1988 - available in english
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims dated 19 November 1976 (LLMC) - available in english
Protocol to Convention relating to the limitation of the Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation 5 July 1978 (CLN) - available in english
Convention relating to the limitation of the Liability of Owners of Inland Navigation 1st March 1973 (CLN) - available in english
Protocol dated 1979 for the Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims dated 19 November 1957 - available in english
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims dated 19 November 1957 + Reserve for France - available in english
Convention on Limitation of Liability for Maritime Claims dated 25 August 1924 - available in english
Limitation of Vessels owners liability act 1851 (USA) US CODE Title 8 - Chapter 46 - only available in english
Saisie / Arrest
Convention internationale unification règles saisie des navires, Genève 12 mars 1999 - available in english
Convention internationale unification règles saisie conservatoire des navires de mer. Bruxelles, 10 mai 1952 - available in english
Security / Sureté Maritime et Portuaire
Tout sur la "Sureté Maritime & Portuaire / All about you always wanted to know about Marine Security
Ship Recycling / Gestion de la fin de vie des navires
Hong Kong International Convention for the Safe and environmentaly sound recycling of ships, Hong Kong, 19 May 2009 - available in english
Sauvetage / Salvage
Convention Internationale sur l'assistance du 29 avril 1989 (Salvage Convention 1989) - available in english
Convention Internationale sur l'assistance du 23 septembre 1910 (Salvage Convention 1910) - available in english
Soutes / Bunker
Convention internationale de 2001 sur la responsabilité civile pour les dommages dus à la pollution par les hydrocarbures de soute - available in english
Transport / Connaissement / Bill of Lading
Convention des Nations Unies sur le contrat de transport international de marchandises effectué entièrement ou partiellement par mer du 11 décembre 2008 - available in english
Convention of United Nations for Carriage of Goods by Sea 1978 or "Hamburg Rules" - available in english
Protocol to amend the International Convention for the unification of certain rules relating to bills of lading as modified by the Amending Protocol of 23rd February 1968. SDR Protocol Brussels, 21st December 1979 - available in english
Protocol to amend the International Convention for the unification of certain rules of law relating to bills of lading, signed at Brussells on 25 August 1924 Visby Rules Brussels, 23rd February 1968 - available in english
International convention for the unification of certain rules of law relating to Bills of lading and protocol of signature "Hague Rules 1924" Brussels, 25 August 1924 - available in english