Abonnement (dispositions particulières pour les polices facultés) Cargo France 2009
Abonnement (dispositions particulières pour les polices facultés) Cargo France 1983
Abonnement (dispositions particulières pour les polices facultés) Cargo France 1990
Additional Clauses to the GCMI Cargo Switzerland 1988
Additional Indemnity Hull Japan1990
Additional Particular Average Clause B Hull Japan 1990
Additional Particular Average Clause B2 Hull Japan1990
Additional Particular Average Clauses C Hull Japan 1990
Additional Perils Clause Hull Japan 1993
Additional Perils Clause Netherlands
Additional Perils Clause Hull Sweden 1983
Additional Perils Clause (Clause 294) Hull UK 1983
Additional Perils Clause (Clause 294) Hull UK 1995
Additional Perils Clause USA 1977
Advance and Security Clause K26 Hull Finland 1995
Affiliated Companies Clause Sweden 1991
Arbitration Clause LSW 323 Hull ? UK ? 1995
Arbitration Clause MW0302 Hull UK
Assignment clause Sweden A9 1991
Average Disbursment Clause N°342 Cargo U.K 1987
Bareboat Charter Clause Japan 1979
Bering Sea Passage Endorsement Japan
Bering Sea Transit Clause Hull Sweden 2003
Blanket Waiver of subrogation MW006 1994
Bonne arrivée Extension de Recours France 2012
Bottom Sighting Expenses Japan 1990
Bottom Painting Clause B Japan
Bottom Treatment Clause 1993 Japan
Boulogne (Convention de.....) Hull France 1988
Broker Cancellation Clause ALG 008 Netherlands
Buiding Risk Special Conditions CG 004 Netherlands
Builder Interest Clause ROW 105
Bulk Oil Clauses Cargo U.S.A.1959
"C" Clause (for the French Builder's Risk Policy) Extension of cover France
Institute Notice of Cancellation and War automatic termination of cover Clause n°201 Hull UK 1983
Cancellation Clause Scandinavian Market
Cancellation for non payment of Premium Clause USA
Cancellation of Co Insurance Clause Germany
Car Clause (Additionnal Clause n°IV for Inland Hull Policies) Hull (Inland) France 1994
Cargo Insurance Extension Clauses UK
Carrying Vessels (Navires transporteurs Clause 89) Cargo France 2007
Carrying Vessels (amendment to Article 35 of the Cargo Policy 1970 Cargo France 1978
Cash on board Clause (Including Master's cash) Hull UK
Chemical exclusion Clause France 2002
Chemical exclusion Clause n°365 UK 2002
Claims Cooperation Clause Hull France 1993
Claims Cooperation WFD1A (Reinsurance)
Claims Cooperation WFD1B (Reinsurance)
Claim Handling Procedure France 1991
Claims Handling Procedure Reinsurance Japan
Claims Handling Clause Hull Norway
Claims Handling Procedure Reinsurance UK ?
Claims Lead Clause Sweden 1992
Claims Lead Clause Sweden 1998
Claims Lead Clause Sweden 2007 A4
Claims Leader Clause Norway 2004
Claims Procedure Clause Hull France
Classification Clause and Survey Hull Finland 1992
Classification Clause Hull France 1993
Classification and Age Clause Cargo Germany 2008
Classification and Age Clause Cargo Germany 2000
Classification Clause Japan 1975
Classification Clause Japan 1998
Classification Clause Sweden 1993
Classification Clause Sweden 2000
Classification Clause 1997 (Clause 354) Cargo UK 1997
Classification Clause 2000 (Clause 354) Cargo UK
Classification Clause 2001 (Clause 354) Cargo UK
Claims Procedure Clause Hull France
Coal Shipments Cargo U.S.A. 1959
Swedish Co Assured Clause 76 2002
Swedish Co Assured Clause 75 2002
Concarneau (Convention de...) Hull France 1988
Concarneau (Convention de...) Hull France 2001
Condition Survey Clause (pre acceptance..) tot use with DTV Clauses Hull Germany 2002
Condition Survey Clause Hull Norway 2004
Condition Survey Clause Hull Sweden 1997
Confiscation Clause (DTV) Cargo Germany 2008
Confiscation Expropriation LPO 324 1971
Confiscation Expropriation LPO 325 1971
Collision Clause (4/4 including tow) n°143B Hull U.S.A.
Collision Clause (Full Coverage) n°143 Hull U.S.A.
Collision Clause including tow and extended tower's liability n°143D Hull U.S.A.
Collision Clause including tower's liability n°63 Hull U.S.A.
Collision Liability Clause Hull Japan 1990
Collision Liability Supplementary Clause Hull Finland
Consequential losses (DTV) Cargo Germany 2008
Confiscation Clause Cargo Germany 2000
Confiscation Expropriation Clause 1 LPO324 1971
Confiscation expropriation clause 1 LPO 325 1971
Contigency and DIC Clause (DTV) Cargo Germany 2008
Contigency and DIC Clause Cargo Germany 2000
Corn Trade War Clause n° 78 Cargo UK 1961
Corn Trade Strike Clause n° 158 Cargo UK 1961
Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause UK 2003
Cyber Attack Exclusion Clause 2003 C1.3.1
Deductible Clause A Japan 1992
Deductible Clause B Japan 1994
Deductible Clause C Japan 1993
Deductible Clause D Japan 1993
Deductible Clause n°188 (to use with Hull Lake Clauses) Hull U.S.A. 1940
Deffered Premium Clause SP 200 U.S.A. 1970
Deffered Premium Clause SP 201 U.S.A. 1981
Definition of each and every Loss LSW 199 Reinsurance 1989
Deprivation Clause 502NBJ00040
Deprivation Endorsement LSW 426 1992
Derelict Weapons (DTV) Cargo Germany 2008
Detention Endorsement Clause LSW 170 Liability (shiprepairer) UK 1989
Disbursements Warranty Clause A Japan 1990
Disbursements Warranty Clause B Japan 1990
Discharging Clause (Additionnal Clause n°II for Inland Hull Policies) Hull (Inland) France 1994
Discount Clause Hull Clause n°XI Hull France 1984
Drugs Clause (Institute Dangerous...) Clause 102 Cargo U.K 1937
Dual Valuation Clause n° 177 (to use with Lake Hull Clauses) Hull U.S.A. 1945
Duration of Guarantee (Additional Cargo Clauses 11 to 17) Cargo France
Electrical Damage (Addtionnal Clause n°V for Hull Inland Policies) Hull (Inland) France 1994
Excess Collision Liability Clause A Japan 1993
Excess Collision Liability Clause B Japan 1993
Exhibition Clause (DTV) Cargo Germany 2008
Expenses exposed in case of interruption of voyage Cargo France 2008
Excluded Cargoes ( Addtionnal Cargo Clauses 46 to 53) Cargo France
Explosion of Liquefied Cargo Clause Japan 1990
Financial Losses (pure) (DTV) Cargo Germany 2008
Faulty design and 100% Pandi Clause n°CG006 Netherlands
Fishing Vessel Clause 6 Hull Japan
Fishing Vessel Endorsement Clause Hull Canada 1979
Fishing Vessel Endorsement Clause Hull Canada 2005
Fire and Pollution Hazard Clause A Japan 1984
Fire and Pollution Hazard Clause B Japan 1984
Fishing Gear Clause Hull Japan
Fishing vessel clause Canada 2005
Fishing vessel endorsement Canada 1979
Follow Clause n°1 Hull France 1993
Follow Clause n°2 Hull France 1993
Follow Leader Clause Sweden 1991
FOSFA Supplementary Clause N°318 Cargo UK 1985
FOSFA Supplementary Clause N°319 Cargo UK 1985
FOSFA Supplementary Clause N°320 Cargo UK 1985
FPA and Deductible Clause (To use with Lake Hull Clauses) n°187 Hull U.S.A. 1951
FPA Clause (Hull Clause n°I) Hull France 1984
FPA Absolutely Clause (Hull Clause n°II) Hull France 1984
Fret (perte de fret - Clause additionnelle à la police sur corps de tous navires 2012)
Freight Clause (Addionnal Clause n°I for Inland Hull Policies) Hull (Inland) France 1994
Frozen Food Extension Clause (Clause 334) Cargo UK 1986
Frozen Meat Extension Clause IMTA (Clause 327) Cargo UK 1986
Frozen Meat Extension Clause A (Clause 323) Cargo UK 1986
Full Premium if Lost Clause Japan 1990
General Average Supplementary Clause Hull Finland
General Average Absorption Clause Hull
General Average for Vessels in Ballast Hull Denmark
Guarantee Clause Hull Netherlands
Helicopter Clause H 4 Hull Sweden 1991
Ice Clauses DTV Hull Germany 1979
Ice Clauses DTV Hull Germany 1989
Ice Risk Addional Clauses Hull Finland
Ice Risk Addional Clause Hull Finland 1982
Inchemaree Clause Hull U.S.A. 1959
Increase Value Clause (Hull Clause n°IV) Hull France 1984
Increase Value Clause Kingston-Prescott n°186 (to use with Hull Lake Clauses) Hull U.S.A. 1954
Increased amount custom Sweden 31 2002
Indian Coal Clause Cargo Japan
Insurer/Reinsurer Default Clause Hull/Cargo
I.S.M. Clause Cargo France 2002
Interest on average disbursements K25 Hull Finland 1995
Interest Rate Clause Hull Sweden 1996
Kingston-Prescott Clause n°184 (to use with Lake Hull Clauses) Hull U.S.A. 1954
Laid Up Return Clause Disbursements Japan 1990
Laid Up Return Clause Hull Japan 1990
Leased Equipment Clause LSW 779 Hull 1994
Leased Equipment Clause Sweden H6 Hull Sweden 1991
Loss Payable Clause A Hull Japan
Loss Payable Clause B Hull Japan
Loss of profit (cargo) Cargo France 1998
Machinery Damage (Addionnal Clause n°VI for Hull Inland Policies) Hull France 1994
Machinery Damage Additional Deductible Clauses Hull
Machinery Clause DTV Hull Germany 1973
Malicious Damage Clause (Clause 266) Hull UK 1982
Mediation Clause Hull France 2003
Medical Payment Clause (attached to a Yacht Cover) 77S Hull USA 1947
Mines Clause DTV Hull Germany 1989
Miscellaneous clauses (Addtionnal Cargo Clauses 81 to 88) Cargo France
Missing Vessel Clause EHG 155 Hull UK ? 1979
Missing Vessel Clause (War) Hull UK ?
Mortgagees Interest Hull (Inland) France 1994
Mortgagees (german) Interest EHG 123 Hull Germany ?
Mortgagees (german) Interest EHG 117 Hull Germany ?
Mortgagees (german) Interest EHG 105 Hull Germany ?
Mortgagees Additional Peril LSW 489 Hull 1992
Mortgagees Interest Hull France 1987
Mortgagees Interest Hull Germany
Mortgagees Interest G89 (for use with the London Market) Hull Germany 1986
Mortgagees Interest G89 2002 (for use with the London Market) Hull Germany 2002
Mortgagees Interest clause 337 Hull UK 1986
Mortgagees Interest clause 337 Hull UK 1997
Mortgagees Interest clause 602 Hull UK 2004
Mortgagees Interest Hull Netherlands
Necessary Repairs Clause Hull Japan
Negligence Clause SC 516 Hull Nethelands
Negligence Clause Hull USA 1964
Negligence Clause Hull USA 1970
Negligence Clause Hull USA 1977
Norwegian (non) vessels Hull Norway
Nuclear Clause DTV Hull Germany 1991
Nuclear Risk Clause Cover Hull France 1990
Nuclear Risk Clause Exclusion Hull France 1990
Nuclear Risk Clause Exclusion Hull France 2002
Nuclear Risk Exclusion Clause K20 Hull Finland 1992
Nuclear Risk Exclusion Clause Hull Japan 1990
Officers and Crew Clause Hull Japan 1990
Open Policies Endorsement (Cargo) 87B-190B Cargo USA 1980
Particular Guarantee (Addtional Cargo Clauses 61 to 67) Cargo France
Passage money clauses USA 1983
Payment Clause Netherlands 1993
Personal Injury Endorsement UK ?
Personal Injury Endorsement LSW 171A Liability (Shiprepairer) UK 1990
Perils of the sea Clause Finland
Pilot Non Liability Clause Hull Sweden 1991
Pilot Non Liability Clause Hull Unknown
Pollution Exclusion Clause USA
Pollution Exclusion Clause (liabilities) n°239 Hull USA 1973
Pollution Hazard Clause (A) n° 55 Hull UK 1973
Pollution Hazard Clause (B) n° 56 Hull UK 1973
Pollution Hazard Clause (C) n° 57 Hull UK 1974
Pollution Hazard Clause ALG010 Netherlands
Pollution Hazard Clause Netherlands
Pollution Hazard Clause (restricted cover) Netherlands
Pollution Hazard Clause (Hull Clause n°IX) Hull France 1984
Pre acceptance survey clause Hull German 2002
Premium Collection Clause France
Premium Payment Clause Netherlands
Premium Payment Clause LSW 3000 Hull RU 2001
Premium Payment and Cancellation Clause Sweden 1991
Premium Payment and Cancellation Clause Sweden 1996
Premium Payment and Cancellation Clause Sweden 2009 A5-1
Premium Return for lay up K24 Finland 1995
Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause Japan 1990
Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause (Clause 356) Hull UK 1990
Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause (Clause 356A) Hull UK 2002
Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause (Clause 370) Hull UK 2005
Radioactive Contamination Exclusion Clause (Clause 370) Hull UK 2003
Radio Aids to Navigation Clause H5 Hull Sweden 1991
Radio Isotope Clause Japan 1990
Recours Materiels Corporels peche 1998
Refinery Exclusion Clause 1993 UK
Relocation and Protection of Property Clause Cargo Germany 2008
Removal Clause (DTV) Cargo Germany 2008
Removal Clause (Hull Clause n°V) Hull France 1984
Replacement Clause n° 161 Hull UK 1934
Replacement Second Hand Machinery Clause Hull UK
Return Premium n°3 Hull U.SA. 1928
Return Premium n°3A Hull U.SA.
Rights and duties on the Vessel Clause Hull Japan 1990
Salvage and Debris Removal Clause Cargo Germany 2008
Cefor Sanction Limitation and Exclusion Clause 2010 Hull CEFOR 2010
Scarp Voyage Clause Hull Japan 1993
Scrap Voyage Clause Amended Hull Japan 1993
Scope of cover (Addtional Cargo Clauses 1 to 5) Cargo France
Settlement Conditions (Addtional Cargo Clauses 36 to 41) Cargo France
Small General Average Clauses Hull
Small General Average Clause Hull Japan 1993
Special Hull Clauses Hull Japan 1990
Special Negligence Clause Hull Netherlands
Speedboat Clause (Insitute) Clause n°131 Hull UK 1977
Speedboat Clause (Insitute) Clause n°131 Hull UK 1985
SR & CC Endorsement Clause USA
Strike Clause (DTV) Cargo Germany 2008
Sureté financière en cas de saisie du navire assuré (en complément de la RCPNP 1988) Hull France
Take Over Clause (DTV) Hull Germany 1994
Tanker Clause 1989 Finland 1989
Institute Notice of Cancellation and War automatic termination of cover Clause n°201 UK 1983
Tender Clause Hull Sweden 1992
Terrorism Clause 1989 France France 1989
Theft and Missing (Addtional Cargo Clauses 26 to 29) Cargo France
Third Party Liability Extension (Hull Clause n°X) Hull France 1984
Third Party Liability Extension (For Fishing Vessels) Hull France 1998
Third Party Liability for Material Damage (Hull Clause n°VI) Hull France 1984
Time Bar for claims Hull Sweden 1995
Time Bar for claims Clause Sweden 2009
Trading Warranties clause n°26 Hull UK 1976
Trading Warranties Clause n°210 Hull USA 1972
Trading Warranties Hull Canada
Trading Warranties for overseas tradings Denmark
Trading Warranties n°1 1997 Canada (British Columbia)
Trading Warranties n°2 1997 Canada (British Columbia)
Trading Warranties n°2A 1997 Canada (British Columbia)
Trading Warranties n°3 1997 Canada (British Columbia)
Total Loss & Abandonment (Hull Clause n°III ) Hull France 1984
Total Loss Clauses Hull Finland
Traveling Workmen Clause LSW 190 Liability (Shiprepairer) UK 1990
Unrepaired Damage Hull Sweden 1997
Uniform Interest Rate Clause 2009
Voyage Warranty C Clause Japan 1990
Voyage Warranty D Clause Japan 1990
Voyage Warranty E Clause Japan 1990
War Clause (DTV) Cargo Germany 2008
War Clauses Hull n° 205 Voyage Hull UK 1970
Wages and Maintenance Clause (Clause 305) Hull Denmark
Wages and Maintenance and Fuel Supplementary Clauses Hull Denmark
Yacht Personal Effects Clause 331 Hull UK 1985
Yacht Machinery Damage extension Clause 332 Hull UK 1985
Yacht Racing Extension Clause 330 Hull UK 1985
Yacht Medical Payments Ins 77S US 1947
19 août 2010 1-2010 : Le Conseil Constitutionnel a t'il "mis à mort" le Tribunal Maritme Commercial (à propos de la décision QPC du 2 juillet 2010)
25 février 2009 1-2009 Quand la terre a failli gagner sur la Mer ou l'histoire de la Clause et de l'article L112-4 du Code des Assurances
23 novembre 2008 3-2008 Abordage et indemnisation des passagers en Droit Fluvial
6 Juillet 2008 2-2008 Quelques mots sur les résultats de l'assurance transport en France en 2007
23 juin 2008 1-2008 MS Oasis of the Seas - Les passagers de trop ? - Pas encore sorti du chantier et déjà revêtu de tous les superlatifs.
10 juillet 2007 ALE@S n°2 - Histoire des polices françaises sur corps de navire
21 mars 2007 Emma Mærsk : Les conteneurs de trop ?
22 août 2006 Ratification par la France du Protocole de 1996 amendant la Convention de 1976 sur les créances maritimes
20 janvier 2006 Hypothèque et Assurances Corps : Histoire d'une clause
3 octobre 2005 La liner Negligence Clause, Clause abusive à l'usage des assurés ?
1er Avril 2005 Risques de Guerre : Evolution et Perspectives.
5 mars 2005 La classification dans les polices d'assurance sur corps de navires françaises
03 février 2005 Mémo sur la clause de remise dans les contrats d'assurance
Assurances Maritimes / Marine Insurance
Assurances Maritimes - Assurances Corps - Hypothèque - Nullité Police (non) Caractères Apparents Clause (Suite arrêt Montpellier du 16 février 2010 - Cassation Commerciale 31 janvier 2102 Commentaires
Assurances Maritimes : Non déclaration d'hypothèque - Assurances Corps - Nullité Police (oui) - Cour d'Appel de Montpellier 16 février 2010 - Commentaires
Assurances Maritimes - Dispositions d'ordre public du Code des Assurances (oui) L 112-4 Caractères apparents Hypothèque Nullité Validité - CASSATION - Episode 3 15/4/2010 Cass Civ 2 - Commentaires
Assurances - Prescription Biennale - Mentions Obligatoires dans la police 3/9/2008 Cass Civ 2 - commentaires
Assurances Maritimes - Dispositions d'ordre public du Code des Assurances (oui) L 112-4 Caractères apparents Hypothèque Nullité Validité (oui) Episode 2 19/12/2008 CA Paris - Commentaires
Assurances Maritimes - Dispositions d'ordre public du Code des Assurances (oui) L 112-4 Caractères apparents Hypothèque Nullité Validité (non) Episode 1 29/11/2005 TGI Paris - Commentaires
Subrogation - Partage du recours - Priorité de l'assuré (oui) 27/2/2007 Cass Civ 1 - Commentaires
Avaries Communes - Règles de York et d'Anvers / General Average
Responsabilité / Liability
Responsabilité d'une société de Classification - Navire Number One - Spitzer - Le Coz - Nippon Kaiji Kiokai 10/1/2006 Cass Crim - Commentaires
Responsabilité d'un armateur sur le fondement de 1384 alinéa 1er du Code Civil (du fait des vagues...) 10/6/2004 Cass Civ 2 - Commentaires
Passagers / Passengers / Liability
Hypothèques / Mortgagee
Sort de l'indemnité d'assurance lors du naufrage d'un navire hypothéqué 24/4/2007 Cass COM - Commentaires
Saisie / Arrest
De la saisie conservatoire opérée sur un navire 5/10/2010 Cass Com - Commentaires
Sauvetage / Salvage
Droit de la Mer / Law of the seas
Responsabilité du Transporteur en cas de saisie des marchandises - Multiranda - CMA CGM 24/4/2007 Cass Com - Commentaires
Conséquences de l'absence de réserves en droit maritime - SCAC - SDV - Société Centrale Laitière 30/5/2006 Cass Com - Commentaires